Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin For 3 Consecutive Years!

Cart Addon

Cart Add-on of BookingPress

Cart Integration:

card addon

With BookingPress, you will also be able for your customers to select multiple services at a time via Cart Addon.

BookingPress provides Cart Addon to add and purchase multiple services at a time.

To integrate the Cart Addon with the BookingPress, first, you will have to get and activate the Cart Addon from “BookingPress -> Addons”.

After the Addon is activated, you will be able to see the Cart at the front end while booking the appointments for multiple Services at a time.

Cart Addon

Note: After the addon is activated, you will be able to set the deposit for adding multiple Services at a time, and deposit will be calculated accordingly for each and every services.

Email, SMS, and WhatsApp Notification Configuration

To add the list of Cart Appointments in the client’s email/SMS/WhatsApp, you can add its variable (%cart_appointment_list%) in the email notification template following the below step:

WordPress Dashboard > BookingPress > Notifications > Select (%cart_appointment_list%) in the sidebar.

Cart appointment single email will be received once after booking.

Note: However, in the case of scheduled notification, the Email/SMS/WhatsApp notification will be sent at each occurrence.