Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin For 3 Consecutive Years!

Debug Log Settings

Payment Debug Logs

From this section, you can enable/disable the payment logs. It will help to debug the actual issue while processing the payment. You can view, download and clear the logs from here.

Appointment Debug Logs

From this section, you can enable/disable the appointment logs. It will help to debug the actual issue while the appointment request was set and when the appointment form was filled up and submitted.

Email Notification Logs

From this section, you can enable/disable the Email logs. It will help to debug the actual issue that took place while sending the Email or getting the Email.

More of the options for the integrations like, “MailChimp Debug Log”, “SMS Debug Logs”, and “Zoom Debug Logs” will be viewed here once these Add-ons are activated.

Debug Log Settings