Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin For 3 Consecutive Years!

Google ReCaptcha Addon

Google ReCaptcha Integration with BookingPress

Google ReCaptcha Integration:

Google ReCaptcha Integration

Activate Google ReCaptcha Integration Addon from BookingPress -> Addons page.

BookingPress provides google recaptcha addon to protect your site from spam and abuse with Appointment forms.

To configure the plugin, go to BookingPress -> General Settings -> Integrations -> Google Captcha.

You can add Google reCaptcha Site Key, Secret Key, reCAPTCHA Language, and reCAPTCHA Failed Message.

Google reCaptcha Integration

If you don’t have a Google ReCaptcha Site Key, then you can create a free ReCaptcha Site key from here.

After the integration is completed, to add the Google reCaptcha to the Booking Form, go to BookingPress -> Customize -> Forms, here, from the left side Form Options panel, switch on Enable google recaptcha the option and save the settings.

google captcha switch

After the configuration is completed, users will be able to use reCaptcha on the appointment booking form in the “Summary” section.