Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin For 3 Consecutive Years!

How to Sell Group Appointments on WordPress with BookingPress

Brian Denim
Published in Booking Tutorial Aug 3, 2023 3 min read
how to sell appointments to groups

Using the Multiple Quantity add-on for BookingPress, you can sell appointments to groups, enabling customers to specify the number of individuals attending the appointment by selecting from the available service/appointment capacity.

Group appointments can be booked online by a client, pretty much like 1:1 sessions.

In other words, your clients can schedule a single appointment for the same time slot (date and time) but for multiple (often related) participants.

This feature is very helpful for such service businesses dealing with travel tours, education classes, group therapist meetings, event management companies, team building activities, corporate training, family counseling, and more sectors when one individual can book an appointment for a certain group.

In the BookingPress plugin, you can turn on group appointments on WordPress functionality with the add-on we mentioned at the beginning. Just download it within your premium BookingPress plan, install and activate it on WordPress, and then customize the service capacity.

What are the benefits of using the group appointments feature?

  • Cater to the needs of different people.
  • Speed up the booking process for customers.
  • Serve the needs of different staff members.

How do group appointments work for your customer?

Customers go through the service selection process in the booking widget and are asked to select the number of people for the appointment (if available).

Clearly, customers are unable to make bookings exceeding the maximum capacity permitted for a given service.

Choose the number of person

As of the current version of the WordPress group appointments add-on, it does not permit another person to book the same time slot, even if the capacity has not been fully reached.

Customize services with multiple participants available

The first thing you need to do is to customize services to cater to group bookings on your WordPress website.

These might not be all the services, so you need to go individually to every service > Edit > Max Capacity > select the maximum number of participants allowed for appointments within this specific service > save the changes.

Maximum Capacity

Remember that in BookingPress, you can choose to assign multiple staff members to the same service and allow customers to choose them when making a booking.

On the backend, your staff, either in the main account or in their personal WordPress accounts, can view the number of people joining the appointment by simply opening the appointment details in the Appointments menu.

Manage Appointments

To conclude on scheduling group appointments in BookingPress

Group appointments are designed for the simultaneous participation of multiple clients, often with a connection or relationship, in a shared session.

In order to use the feature, you need to simply define specific rules for group appointments for individual services, this will allow customers to see the available capacity service-wise in the booking widget.

Enable the Multiple Quantity add-on and give it a try if you sell appointments to groups!

Brian Denim

Brian is a WordPress expert with a decade of developing experience & technical-writing. He enjoys blogging, movies & hiking.

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